A continuación les dejo el "Top 5 películas que le vuelan el marote a La Loca".
Acompaño el título de las películas con el trailer de cada una y el diálogo y/o frase que más me rompe la cabeza. Puede que se haga un toque extenso el post, ¡pero va a valer la pena! (más siendo viernes y teniendo el fin de semana por delante)
#1 - The Crow (1994)
Eric Draven: It can't rain all the time...
#2 - Girl, Interrupted (1999)
Susanna: When you don't want to feel, death can seem like a dream. But seeing death, really seeing it, makes dreaming about it fucking ridiculous. Maybe, there's a moment growing up when something peels back... Maybe, maybe, we look for secrets because we can't believe our minds...
#3 - Big Fish (2003)
Young Ed Bloom: It was that night I discovered that most things you consider evil or wicked are simply lonely, and lacking in the social niceties.
#4 - Lost in Translation (2003)
Charlotte: I just don't know what I'm supposed to be.
Bob: You'll figure that out. The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.
#5 - Frankenstein (1994)
The Creature: You gave me these emotions, but you didn't tell me how to use them. Now two people are dead because of us. Why?
Victor Frankenstein: There was something at work in my soul which I do not understand.
The Creature: And what of my soul? Do I have one? Or was that a part you left out?
Si... reconozco que las cosas que me conmueven son un tanto "raras" comparadas con las que suelen conmover al común de las personas... pero... ¿quién dijo que yo soy común y corriente?
¡Salud (mental) para tod@s!
La Loca del Paraguas
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